MLK Day of Service
March 21, 2019

Martin Luther King Jr. was a civil rights leader that helped achieve equal rights for all people. Each year on the third Monday in January, we celebrate all he did for our country. Many people take part in service opportunities around that day, and the Bellmore Merrick Central High School district is no exception. Social Studies Chairperson Mrs. Einbinder said, “Each year for the past four years, the Bellmore Merrick CHSD has participated in the MLK Day of service to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King believed in making the world a better place through service to others.”
The Martin Luther King Day of Service collection was breakfast foods this year. Freshmen were responsible for bringing in pancake mix, sophomores were responsible for breakfast bars, juniors were responsible for hot chocolate/tea bags and boxed coffee, and seniors were responsible for bringing in cereal. All these foods are collected to support the community cupboard and other local organizations. The drive was originally from December 5th to January 11th, but was extended until January 17. All donations were brought to each students’ social studies teacher. The class winners were Mr. Moody for 9th grade, Ms. Thompson for 10th grade, Mr. Zogby for 11th grade and Mr. Stein for 12th grade. The winning classes will receive a bagel breakfast. According to Mr. Gomez, “Overall, the District donated 1264 bags of food to local families in need, shelters and our own community cupboard.”
On Friday, January 18, students went down to the auditorium during their social studies class to bag and package the goods to be sent to the community cupboard. Ms. Watt said, “It’s a great event and it’s wonderful to get the entire school community together doing community service.”
Julianna Rosenthal, a ninth grade student that participated in bagging the items on Friday said, “I’m glad I get to give back to my community.” This annual event is sure to be back next year as one of the many “One Voice, One Message” traditions of the Bellmore Merrick Central High School District.