“Let’s Get Freaky!”
May 15, 2019

Photo courtesy of yearbook.
On March 21st, 22nd and 23rd, Skull and Bones put on their production of the musical Freaky Friday. The play was held at 7:00 PM each night. The tickets were $10.00 for students and $15.00 for general admission. Freaky Friday is a new musical with direction, music, and lyrics by Tom Kitt and Brian Yorkey, and a book by Bridget Carpenter.
Directed by Mr. Grosskreuz, the musical goes through a day in the life of single mother Katherine Blake–played by Junior Lindsay LoVarco–and her daughter Ellie Blake–played by Senior Monica Sarduy–as the two characters switch bodies and are forced to adapt to their new found roles until they can figure out a way to switch back. These two characters thought everyone else had it so easy, but once they switched they realized the struggles that they were experiencing affect others as well. When they switch back, they have a newfound appreciation for each other.
Freshman Anthony Karagianes, who played a role in the ensemble, said, “The preparation of this musical was a lot of hard work, but the new friendships made and the unforgettable experiences will never be forgotten. This was the first time I ever auditioned for a theatrical production, and now I am counting down the days until the next one!”

The set, although simple, was so effective in displaying the various locations that the show took place in. Four rectangular pillars were placed upstage, each side featuring a different setting. From the kitchen, to the lockers, to the wedding, to the closets, each setting featured something very different, yet all were effective in moving the story along.
The costumes, Fletcher’s in particular, were awesome. So many people said that they couldn’t believe that Fletcher was played by Freshman Molly Walsh, and a lot of that can be owed to the costume. The overalls and beanie to hide her hair were perfect. They aged her backward to the age of ten, and effectively managed to make her appear boyish.
The catchy music, the relatable and touching plot, and the raw talent and energy of all the performers made Freaky Friday a phenomenal production. According to Ms. Cheryl Fontana, Director of Fine and Performing Arts for BMCHSD, “Musical season is one of the most exciting times in the Bellmore-Merrick Central High School District… We have more than 200 students involved in our five productions. The team work and dedication that goes into mounting a musical is unmatched and seeing it all come together on opening night is truly rewarding for all of our students and staff.” Freaky Friday was both a comedic and emotionally compelling musical, and Skull and Bones continues to surprise the Bellmore-Merrick community with yet another great production.