Dealing with Change

Artina Krkuti, Staff Writer and Layout Editor

The corona virus has heightened stress and worry in students, workers, and basically everyone in the US. It certainly seems surreal that many states are closing local businesses, stores and other public places. COVID19 caused over 40 states to close schools for the remainder of the school year. This causes many students to fret over AP exams, state tests and final exams. 

Recently, New York announced the school closure for the rest of the year, Bellmore-Merrick finals have been cancelled, SAT’s have been cancelled along with the New York Regents exams. Throughout March and April, the College Board also announced major changes to the AP exams, on top of changes that took place earlier in 2019. Each exam is now a 45-minute exam with no more multiple choice questions. We’ve never had something like this before, going from a 3 hour exam to 45 minutes. Additionally, exams will be held online through College Board’s website and allow students to access their notes. 

Each exam is going to consist of free response questions. For example, the AP English and History exams are going to require students to write essays as a response to questions. Also, tha exams will focus on topics that were covered through March instead of the entire curriculum because of the school closures. There is also the option to not take the exams, and students may cancel them for free on the website.


It is also rumored that there is no more curve and that the grading will be a lot less harsh given the circumstances. This will be a difficult change for everyone; however, it will hopefully not be as stressful! There have been many different resources for students to use to study through the College Board, which include videos, practice questions and exams. Hopefully, students have had a chance to review those resources before the exams begin. They definitely will help prepare!


           I hope everyone is doing well in these troubling times. Good luck to everyone taking any AP exams!