Fixing the Fashion Industry

Zara Khan, Staff Writer

Sustainable fashion is all the rage these days in media outlets worldwide. More and more clothing brands are changing business practices in the fashion industry. They’re improving their supply chains to reduce harm to the environment, and improve social conditions for factory workers. Today, we also see a movement of ethical fashion among consumers, especially younger generations.

When we learn about “sustainable fashion.” we see that there are many forms. Some brands and individuals stress the importance of sewing clothes in a more environmentally friendly manner, while others advocate for thrifting, swapping, or borrowing clothes as opposed to purchasing newly produced clothes. Thrifting also allows you to have a unique piece that may or may not be on the racks anymore. All efforts promoting more environmentally, socially and ethically conscious production and consumption are vital steps towards a more environmentally conscious industry.

According to its website, Green Strategy provides tailored consultancy services to fashion companies internationally, as well as public organizations, and aims to help clients develop and communicate their sustainability. Their long term vision is to contribute to a more circular fashion industry. The company has identified seven main forms of more sustainable fashion production and consumption. They encourage every individual to try to and find his or her form(s) of more sustainable fashion. All forms do not necessarily suit all people’s tastes equally because we all have unique needs and preferences when it comes to fashion. Some of these forms are ideal for younger consumers to experiment with and revamp their wardrobes often like using “Second hand & Vintage,” “Repair, Redesign & Upcycle” and “Rent, Loan & Swap.”

The stigma surrounding such decisions in fashion often claim that it’s too expensive to buy and exchange vintage pieces. But, that is simply not the case. But, say you’re not into vintage or recycled pieces. Now more than ever before, mainstream clothing brands are consciously cutting down on waste production. The stigma surrounding these types of decisions, however, is that it’s far too costly for the consumer. However, that is simply not the case. These are some of the countless brands that are both affordable and ecologically and ethically friendly: “Everlane, Pact, thredUP, Alternative Apparel, Thought Clothing, People Clothing, and Outdoor Voices.” They offer a variety of different styles and sizes suitable for all ages.

Buying new clothes that are manufactured in an environmentally and socially/ethically conscious way is something we all should all strive for.